GO Crush Laziness The Fun Way

When asked by Game Learners about the effects of video games on children, many parents respond that video games make their children “lazy”, and “unmotivated”. Many parents add on that it keeps their kids from going outside, where parents believe kids can benefit the most when socializing and playing. This belief is common among most parents across the U.S. A simple search on the internet for keywords “video games and laziness” leaves you with countless forums filled with parents complaining that video games are making their children unhealthy. However, with the explosion of PokémonGO, parents and children have found a video game that potentially works for both sides.

For all the tsk-tsking that’s been done over the year about screen time cutting into physical activity time, Pokémon GO is turning the age long lazy complaint on its head. It’s pretty much impossible to get very far in the game without moving around — a lot. PokémonGO encourages the gamer to walk outside to achieve tasks in the game. Although this benefit is immediately obvious to anyone who has observed nearby players (just look for anyone walking around and staring intently at their phone), it’s remarkable just how much of a motivator the game is for getting out and walking around. Aside from ambling about while tracking a nearby Pokémon (the game tells you what’s nearby and approximately how nearby), the game gives you another good reason to cover some pretty significant distances: to hatch Pokémon eggs. Parents can now entice their kids to be outside.

Now for the parents who struggle to get their kids to explore the outdoors or to explore their neighborhoods and learn, PokémonGO is also the answer. To catch Pokémon, you use Pokéballs, which you can get when you visit Pokéstops. And Pokéstops just happen to include many landmarks and historical markers, including those hidden ones in your own neighborhood. Just make sure to accompany your children when they are on their Pokémonquest!

Interested in learning more on the effects video games can have on you? Visit our benefits section to learn more!

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